Bakso Sony Lampung

[caption id="attachment_123" align="alignleft" width="140"]Bakso Sony Bakso Sony[/caption]
Okaaaay.... more delicious note on my culinary expedition in Lampung :D

To those who got a chance to come and visit this southernmost part of Sumatera, come closer then as I still have a long list great place to satisfy you culinary

This time, I got Bakso Sony on my list...

To those who are familiar with Lampung, my hometown, most of you must agree with me that Bakso Sony is arguably one of the best warung bakso (meatballs) in Lampung. I’m serious. Bakso, or meatball, is probably the most common, if not the most famous ;)  all-time snack for most Indonesians. Whatever the weather, - drizzling day, warm morning, or even hot sizzling afternoon, bakso will be available and enjoyed by most of me, to be exact :D and now my kids love them as well.

And in Lampung, during my stay there, Bakso Sony is always be my favorite, even as I moved to several other cities and countires, I still have Bakso Sony on top of my list till now. Maybe because the meatballs they make there are made of pure, juicy minced beef and the broth they use for the soup is also tasty. I believe fresh ingredients are the key of this delicious food!

I usually order it with bihun (some call it angels' hair, or vermicelli :D ), with extra fried onion and celery. They also provide fried wonton, or keripik pangsit, perfect companion for bakso.

They also sell pre-cooked bakso for those who like to cook them at home. So, you will get a pack of meatballs plus herbs and spices and voila…get your pan, put some water, pet them all together and you have Bakso Sony at home :D very practical.

My favorite Bakso vendor id is the one in Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, Bandar Lampung, near the old radio station where I used to work. I think that's the original outlet, as they have many many now. But to tell you the truth, the service can be so wacky here, perhaps because they have so many customers coming at the same time. Sometimes, swallowing my pride (I can get easily annoyed by the waiters :D ), I keep coming back here for a delicious bowl of steaming bakso. Yuuum yuuum…

indah bakso2With only Rp 13.000 (the last time I came here around September 2013, depending on the vendor, I heard they have different price for the same menu at different outlet), I have my favorite dish ready to eat. Well, I have also tried other Bakso outlets in Lampung, like Bakso Marem, Rumah Bakso, Bakso  Jendol and many more :D Tell you what, wherever you go in Bandar Lampung, you can easily spot those yummy meatballs corners.

So, in conclusion, Lampung is the perfect place for Bakso lovers. Bon appetite....

Article & pictures by : Indah Nuria Savitri

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  1. Klo boleh jujur, aku baru 2 kali ke bakso sony :))
    enak sih, tp aku kurang suka kuahnya :)

  2. nyamm... sounds yummy :D

    Indeed ;)
